This page will give you a pretty good idea of what kinds of produce and products that will be available during the growing seasons. This is not 100% accurate, as we are unable to control the weather or uncontrolled circumstances.
We grow 120+ different vegetables, herbs, and fruits, along with 200+ varieties thrown in for good measure. Many of the herbs we grow at the farm are also made into our farm teas! In 2022 we begin partnering with a couple local farms for our chemical-free sweet corn & flowers, as well as a sweet Amish family in MO to help us offer a complete full season of chemical-free fruit to fill in our gaps, along with some wholesale accounts to bring in specialty items on occasion.
SPRING | end of May

- eggs (chicken & duck)
- pastured chicken
- woodland heritage pork
- Raw Milk (Herdshare Only)
Home Essentials
- raw honey
- Jams, Jellies, Preserves
- elderberry syrup
- farm teas
- home & apothecary goods
Fresh Vegetables/HerbS
- asparagus (limited supply 2024)
- SOME fresh herbs
- rhubarb (may-jun)
Homestead & Garden Essentials
- All-natural (chemical-free) Mulch
- Baby chicks
SUMMER | June, July, August
- eggs (chicken & duck)
- pastured chicken
- woodland heritage pork
- Raw Milk (Herdshare Only)
Home Essentials
- raw honey
- Jams, Jellies, Preserves
- elderberry syrup
- farm teas
- home & apothecary goods
- Rhubarb (June)
- strawberries (June)
- More berries (Limited 2024)
- Cherries (Limited 2024)
- watermelon (Jul-Aug)
- cantaloupe (JUL-AUG)
- Variety of Melons (JUL-AUG)
- Peaches (JUL-AUG)
Fresh Vegetables/Herbs
- Cabbage (jun-JUL))
- Lettuce Mix (May-Jun)
- spinach (May-Jun)
- Kale (Jun-OCT)
- broccoli (Jun-Aug)
- Cauliflower (Jun-Aug)
- Eggplant (JUL-AUG)
- turnips (JUN)
- snap peas (Jun)
- garlic scapes (Jun)
- summer squashes (Jul-Aug)
- zuchinni (JUl-AUG)
- green beans (jul-Aug)
- tomatoes (Jul-Aug)
- Cucumbers (Jun-Aug)
- okra (Jul-Aug)
- potatoes (Jul-Aug)
- onions (Jul-Aug)
- peppers (Jul-AUG)
- garlic (JUL-OCT)
- sweet corn (July- early Aug)
- Spaghetti Squash (Aug-Oct)
- BUTTERNUT Squash (Aug-Oct)
- ACORN Squash (Aug-Oct)
- DeLICATA Squash (Aug-Oct)
- Variety of fresh herbs

Homestead & Garden Essentials
- All-natural (chemical-free) Mulch
- baby Chicks

- eggs (chicken & duck)
- pastured chicken
- pastured TURKEY
- woodland heritage pork
- Raw Milk (herdshare only)
Home Essentials
- raw honey
- Jams, Jellies, Preserves
- elderberry syrup
- farm teas
- Dried herbs
- home & apothecary goods
- A Variety of berries (N/A for 2024)
- Apples (Sep-Oct)
- Pears (Sep-Oct)
- Plums (N/A for 2024)
Fresh Vegetables/Herbs
- Beets (Sep-Oct)
- Butternut squash (Aug-Oct)
- Spinach (SEP-OCT)
- potatoes (SEP-OCT)
- onions (SEP-OCT)
- Tomatoes (Sep-Oct)
- cabbage (SEP-OCT)
- kale (Sep-OCT)
- turnips (SEP-OCT)
- cauliflower (SEP-OCT)
- broccoli (SEP-OCT)
- carrots (Oct)
- peppers (Sep-Oct)
- okra (Sep)
- Sweet potatoes (Sep-Oct)
- Spaghetti squash (Sep-Oct)
- garlic (SeP-OCT)
- pumpkins Variety of fresh herbs (Sep, Oct.)
Homestead & Garden Essentials
- All-natural (chemical-free) Mulch
- baby Chicks
- eggs (chicken & duck)
- Raw Milk (Herdshare Only)
- EgG Shares
Home Essentials
- raw honey
- Jams, Jellies, Preserves
- elderberry syrup
- farm teas
- Dried herbs
- home & apothecary goods
Homestead & Garden Essentials
- All-natural (chemical-free) Mulch
- Garden packages