Christmas Tree Tea & It’s Merry Benefits
Typically known as Pine Needle or Fir Needle Tea has gained significant popularity in recent years. This infusion holds great potential, yet it is often surrounded by various misconceptions. It’s time to set the record straight.
Taking the Sting Out of Nettle Leaf
Nettles are probably one of my favorite herbs growing wild all over our farm. Stinging Nettle is often times considered an irritating wild growing perennial “weed”. However, this herb is a vitamin-rich food source that has been used for 100’s of years for natural remedies and used to aid in various medical conditions.
Bringing Family Back to the Table
Most families are starving for valued time together, they may not even realize it. Dinner time may be the only time of the day when families have the opportunity to reconnect. Table-time is an opportunity…
Surprises on the farm
Eden Ridge keeps surprising us with an ever wonderful bounty of treasures tucked away in all areas of the farm. Let’s just say, we haven’t been the least bit disappointed in our findings.
Eat, Drink, and Reap the Benefits of Rosemary!
ROSEMARY (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a member of the mint family. The word “rosemary” comes from the Latin...
Welcome to Eden Ridge
THE FARM Providing the locals with a vast array of organically grown heirloom and gmo-free seasonal herbs, fruits, veggies,...
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